About Us

Dilstories is a film and media production house registered in 2011 and is a major player in Uganda’s film industry. Our productions include Kabi and Kalo (2023, 2024), The Kojja (2022) and Mama and Me (2021), both TV series commissioned by DStv, The Love Makanika (2015), a TV series, and The Felistas Fable, which was nominated for Best First Feature at the Africa Movie Academy Awards (2014), and which won several awards at the Uganda Film Festival (2014). We focus on socially conscious stories that reflect on pressing issues in our communities, and as such we have worked with Hivos, Volunteer Services Overseas, and Raising Voices to produce films, including; Akoota (2019), Saving Mugisha! (2013), and The Sound of One Leg Dancing (2011). We have made corporate documentaries for clients, including The World Bank to produce a short documentary film, Uganda Economic Update II, showcasing Uganda’s economic progress. Since 2017, through our non-profit initiative Sisi Film Collective, we have partnered with The DOEN Foundation to train emerging filmmakers and to skill youth in five districts of Uganda, and these are Kampala, Gulu, Mbale, Arua, and Kabale districts.

In 2022, we started our most ambitious project, constructing a film studio with a sound stage, the first of its kind in Uganda, perhaps in East Africa. We have completed the first phase and the studio is fully operational.

Company Filmography

Kabi and Kalo (2023, 2024 Uganda) web series
The Kojja (2022, Uganda,) TV Series
Mama and Me (2021, Uganda), TV Series
Her Broken Shadow (2017, Uganda), feature
Love Makanika (2015, Uganda), TV series
The Felistas Fable (2013, Uganda), feature
Untouchable Love (2011, Nepal), feature doc
The Sound of One Leg Dancing (2011, Nepal), short doc
The Dancing Poet (2012, Nepal), feature doc